The most recent chapter in a decades-long series of Rohingya refugee crises, which erupted in August 2017, has reignited discussion over the policies and legal structures, or lack thereof, to protect the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Asia. Policy and binding legal frameworks...

It’s unlikely Rohingya refugees will be returning to Myanmar in the near future, a leading Belgian think-tank warns. In a new report, the International Crisis Group calls for new ways to accommodate the Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh. In the meantime, while humanitarian assistance is on-going, ICG...

Young Rohingya girls are being trafficked into prostitution, a new investigation finds. BBC News has revealed that women and teenage Rohingya girls between the ages of 13 and 17 are finding themselves drawn into prostitution and forced labour. An undercover team interviewed numerous women and children who...

  Mass graves containing Rohingya villagers has been confirmed by the Associated Press News Agency. Through interviews with over twenty survivors and relatives along with satellite pictures and verified video evidence gathered from mobile phone footage in the aftermath, AP has been able to uncover five mass...

How does the Rohingya refugee community keep itself going and what support do the Rohingya need? These are questions that Xchange is busy looking into for our new Snapshot Survey, in Unichiprang and Shamlapur refugee camps, Bangladesh. In this guest podcast, MOAS tries to answer these questions by...